RxWizard™ 6.xx Hilights
6.18 Release
- Password and username recovery
6.15 Release
- Order as sent function
6.12 Release
- Rxnumber barcode on frame packing slip
6.9 Release
- Import frame tracing from file
6.1 Release
- Remote Order Modification
- Cancel an order that has not been processed
- Modify an order that has not been processed
- Send processing instructions missed when placing the original order
- Cascading menus by frame collection
- Cascading menus by edge type
6.0 Release
- Ability to display orders “as transmitted”
RxWizard™ 5.xx Hilights
5.9.1 Release
- Order shipment tracking information available in the Reports menu
- Tighten fitting value edits
- Final version to support Windows 95, Windows 2000
5.9.1 Release
- Mail to patient
- Cascading menu support for lab-specific digital styles
- New mechanism to recover from lost password
- Enhanced edits for fitting values
- Accepts jobs from Foxfire
5.2 Release
- Fitting values entry
- Wrap angle, pantoscopic tilt, back vertex distance…
- Must be enabled at lab
- Digital styles menu
- Lab name appears on order printout
- Enter email address under account setup (helpful in case of lost password)
- Invalid add powers are caught at order entry
5.0 Release
- New Order Lookup functionality
- Must be enabled in setup options (except for new installs)
- Comprehensive display of lab-entered / RxWizard™ entered / archived orders
- Click column header to sort by patient, rx number, lab inv#, enter or ship date
- Icons on right indicate traced jobs and lab-entered jobs
- Progressive Fitting Height menu
- Can display Comprehensive Profile report (when supplied by lab)
- Change “Force” wording to “Held”
Remo - RxWizard™ 4.xx Hilights
4.7 Release
- Enhanced security / privacy features
- Conveniently change password by account (from Setup/Account menu)
- Conveniently fetch password by answering a security question
- Fix login errors on the fly by typing the password or security answer
- Password changes periodically enforced
- Active entry field hilited in light blue
- Enhanced Frame to Come packing slip; additional information provided for the lab
- New warning on questionable PDs
Remo 4.6 Release
- Cascading menus by material
- New Office lens handling
- Simply enter OFFICE lens style
- Enter add power
- The correct OFFICE lens style is selected by the lab
- This feature must be enabled at the lab
- Option to move jobs over 60 days old to archive
- Located in the File menu
- Miscellaneous stock entry supported
- Stock lens cascading menu change: power before diameter
Remo 4.5 Release
- Rx Coating report
- Lab-specific tracer calibration
- Optional field for operator code
Remo 4.4 Release
- Order Lookup remembers previous search
- New search options
- frame name
- lens style
- lab invoice number
- web order number
- lab tray location
- entry date
- ship date
- New keyboard shortcuts:
- Shift-Enter goes up a line
- when a field is filled up, the cursor moves to the next field automatically
- Ctrl-End deletes a field
- the dot is automatically filled in on some numeric entry fields
- Ctrl-Uparrow and Ctrl-Downarrow move the cursor up and down the screen
- Clicking the lab icon on the entry screen opens the lab’s web site, if the lab has this feature enabled
- New warnings for unusual frame status / edge combinations
- Redo orders now request a redo reason and original invoice number
Remo 4.3 Release
- ECP Sales Profile reports by style and material available under Reports and Bulletins menu
- Option to prompt for entry of AR coating
- Frame stock ordering
- Power availability checking for lens ordering
Remo 4.2 Release
- Ability to send patterns independent of orders
- Jobs at “Frame to Come” for more than two days show in red
Remo 4.1 Release
- Ability to enter lens stock orders
- For traced orders, pattern displays in lower right of entry screen
- “View Graphic” option displays pattern actual size
Remo 4.0 Release
- Cascading menus for quick entry of frames
- New “Package” field for easy entry of Rx packages
- New ship option – ship job when shipped from lab (web only)
- New “I” option in enclosed field means “Info only; supply no lens”
Remo 3.xx Hilights
3.7 Release
- Option to use the DVI GeoTracer
- Option to search by job status in Order Inquiry
- Error diagnostics uploaded automatically (used for troubleshooting)
3.5 Release
- “Refresh” button in order inquiry updates online (web) job statuses.
- Help system revised and expanded. Remember, F1 is the help key.
- New command keys – Alt+X transmits, Alt+V displays the job graphic.
- Entering ‘S’ in the left sphere field copies sphere, cylinder, axis and PD from the right eye.
- Remo program updates no longer require restarting the computer.
3.3 Release
- The coating fields are redesigned for greater ease of entry.
- Coatings are now categorized by type (AR, scratch, UV, and “Other”, including color and mirror coats).
- The reports menu is redesigned to allow viewing this Highlight Bulletin, as well as Lens Styles Release Bulletins and reports supplied by your optical lab.
- A “Print” option appears on the Order Lookup screen. This produces a report of all orders matching the specified search criteria.
- In the Order Lookup screen, the “Not Entered via Remo” button has been renamed “Online Order Statuses”. It now includes statuses for all orders including those entered from Remo.
- The printout now includes tint description